2024 Year in Review: My Favorite Cards this Year are…

Hi, Stampers!

It’s that time of year again ~ I looked through all the cards I made this year and picked one of my favorites each month. Some months were easier than others but I managed to find a card that was fun to create for each month. So, I hope you will enjoy looking at my choices. If you are interested in any details for the cards I chose, just click on the month, which will link you to the blog post.

And, once you’re done here, hop along to the other wonderful crafters who have more inspiration for you!


Create this card using Perennial Postage by Stampin' Up! #DebbieMageed #SecretsToStamping #PerennialPostageStampinUp #FunFold


Create this card using Everyday Details by Stampin' Up! and Debbie Mageed at Secrets To Stamping


Create this card using Simply Zinnias by Stampin' Up! #DebbieMageed #SecretsToStamping #StampinUp #FunFold #stampinup #sharesunshine #stampinupdemo #stampinupcards #stampinupdemonstrator


Create this card using Feathered Flight by Stampin' Up! DebbieMageed SecretsToStamping #StampinUp #FunFold #stampinup


Create this card using Thoughtful Journey designer paper by Stampin' Up! and Debbie Mageed at Secrets To Stamping


Create this card using the Textured Floral Bundle by Stampin' Up! and Debbie Mageed at SecretsToStamping


Create this card using Winterly Tree Tops by Stampin' Up! and Debbie Mageed @ Secrets To Stamping


Create this Pinwheel Tower card by Debbie Mageed at Secrets To Stamping #StampinUp #FunFold #stampinup #sharesunshine #stampinupdemo #stampinupcards #stampinupdemonstrator


Create this card using Christmas Labels by Stampin' Up! and Debbie Mageed at Secrets To Stamping


Create this card using Splendid Autumn Paper by Stampin' Up! and Debbie Mageed at Secrets To Stamping


Create this card using Regal Flora by Stampin' Up! and Debbie Mageed at Secrets To Stamping


Create this card using Layering Leaves by Stampin' Up! and Debbie Mageed at Secrets To Stamping for Creative Creases Challenge

Well, that’s a wrap! What a fast year it’s been but I am thankful that it’s been a happy and healthy one for me and my family. May all of you have a wonderful new year and hope you will be back to see my creations soon.

Now, here’s the lineup of the rest of the co-hosts. Please stop by their blogs to see their favorites of the year.

  1. A Cut Above a.k.a Vicki of A Cut Above Challenge Blog
  2. Debbie of Secret Stamper
  3. Diane of Nellie’s Nest
  4. Ellie of Ellibelle’s Corner
  5. Helen of Made by Helen
  6. Joanne of My Slices of Life
  7. Rachel of Slow Down, Enjoy and Create
  8. Vicki of He”artful Validations of Vicki

Would you like to join the fun?

If you didn’t sign up as a host, you can still take part in our fun blog hop! We are leaving the linky tool open till January 5th. So, feel free to create your own year in review post and link up with us! I would love to see what your favorites were!! The linky tool is below for you to sign up once your blog post is published.

I love hearing from you! Please leave a comment if you have any questions or comments about my project today.

Click to Comment

If you enjoyed my project today, please be sure to…

  • Firstly, visit my Gallery and Fun Fold Gallery for lots of ideas, and…
  • Enter the Creative Creases Challenge HERE with any fun fold card!
  • Also, follow me on Pinterest
  • You can see My Secret Sale HERE
  • Finally, you find out what’s new with SU HERE

Thanks for scrolling to the end!

Sarah came home prepared to make her scrumptious cinnamon rolls last week, and she let Noah help, which he loved! Here’s the beginning and end of the baking lesson. The roll that’s not iced was Noah’s, by the way! We couldn’t get him to even try it LOL!


11 thoughts on “2024 Year in Review: My Favorite Cards this Year are…”

  1. Debbie, Thank you so much for the pictures of your family!!! I love when demonstrators are sending all of this! We live in France and we are starting our 24 years here! But our children didn’t came to here. We have some mails from them but not mountly.
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. You’ve had such a creative year, I love how these turned out. As always such fun folds and beautiful stamping and papers. I think my favorite one is February but so hard to choose!!
    And looks like the cinnamon rolls baking session was a great success, Noah is so cute and love his reindeer sweater!!
    Thank you so much for taking part in the Year in Review hop once again!!

  3. Great cards! I always enjoy looking at all your fun folds! My favorite is the one from July, but that fold in August is amazing too!

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