Autumn Arrives with a Sheltering Tree for Hand Stamped Sentiments

Autumn Card Featuring #ShelteringTree, #AllOccasion, #SecretsToStamping, #StampinUp

  It’s time for a new challenge at Hand Stamped Sentiments, and it’s a wonderful Autumn photo inspiration. Don’t you just love the colors? I immediately went to one of my favorite stamp sets, Sheltering Tree. It’s so fun and easy to work with – and doesn’t need much (if any) embellishing. That’s a sign …


Spooky “Eyes” in a Jar of Haunts for Stinkin’ Inkers

Spooky Halloween Card Featuring #JarOfHaunts, #SpookyCat, #Halloween, #StitchedSeasons, #SecretsToStamping, #StampinUp

  Can you believe it’s time for another Stinkin’ Inkers challenge? Where did September go? We sure had some wonderful projects in our gallery so I hope you had a chance to look at all of them. Our October challenge is “The Eyes Have It – Use eyes on your project” and it will surely get …


Sending Love with the Floral Frames Bundle for Cardz 4 Galz

  Are you ready for a new challenge at Cardz 4 Galz? Caz is our host and her theme is “What’s New? Tell/show us your latest technique or new purchase.” Mine is something that just arrived from my last Stampin’ Up! order. The stamp set is Floral Frames and has coordinating framelits.       My …


Let’s Celebrate the First Frost and Healing Hugs for the Sisterhood of Crafters

Vintage Autumn Card Featuing #FirstFrost, #HealingHugs, #Birthday, #TinTile, #Autumn, #Fall, #SecretsToStamping, #StampinUp

  Are you ready for a new challenge at the Sisterhood of Crafters? Marsha is our host and has chosen “Fall is in the Air – what comes to mind when you think of Fall.” I love the Fall flowers and the beautiful foliage as it gets ready for the season. I think of county fairs …


Sending Thoughts for a Masculine Card that is Rooted in Nature for Retro Rubber

Great Autumn Card Featuring #RootedinNature, #SendingThoughts, #AllOccasion, #SecretstoStamping, #StampinUp

  We are starting a new challenge at Retro Rubber and hope you have fun with the new sketch, There’s so many ways to interpret it! The only requirement is to use at least one stamp that’s older than a year (and please tell us how old it is or how long you have had it). …