May 2023 Paper Pumpkin Birthday Card for Make My Monday

May 2023 Paper Pumpkin Masculine Card by Secrets To Stamping

Hi, Stampers! A new Make My Monday challenge is starting today and the theme is “Masculine.” Since masculine cards are right up there on the “difficulty scale” as sympathy cards for me, I jumped at the chance to purchase the May Paper Pumpkin kit. I had to stop my subscription when I started the moving …


Grassy Grove Birthday Card for the HLS Die Challenge

Grassy Grove masculine card by Secrets To Stamping

Hi, Stampers! A new Happy Little Stampers Die Challenge is starting today, and our theme is Always Anything Goes with Dies. Since I needed a masculine birthday card, I decided that Grassy Grove was a perfect choice. So, this time I used the wonderful grove of trees die to make a window card and created …