Hear ye, Hear ye! The last month of Sale-A-Bration is upon us!! SAB is the BEST time of the year for all of us stampers, isn’t it? What better time to stock up on those items that we’ve had on our wish lists for ages. Whether you are new to stamping or not, you will always enjoy getting the wonderful products that Stampin’ Up! has to offer. The quality is so much better than you will find anywhere else, of course, and the fact that they all coordinate so beautifully together makes your creativity just so much easier! I remember the days of running from aisle to aisle in the craft stores, looking for the items that go together, and will never go back to that huge waste of time. But, you say, they have great sales? That’s why I became a SU demonstrator – I wanted that 20% discount that SU gives for myself! And, during SAB, your discount will not only still be there but you will also qualify for the free products! You gotta love FREE, right?
If you are pretty new to stamping and looking for some suggestions on where to start, I can help you! I have been involved in stamping and memory-keeping for almost 20 years and can get you going. I even came up with a list of items to get you started and takes advantage of the ULTIMATE BUNDLE, the Starter Kit. You will get all of this product, which totals $155 but you only pay $99 (plus tax). That’s a fantastic deal!
Here’s what you can order (of course, you can change whatever you want. Just keep the total under $155):
- Whisper White Cardstock #100730 $8.50
- 2015-2017 In Color Cardstock & Pad Kit #138358 $32.50
- Whisper White Envelopes #107301 $6.50
- Snail #104246 $7.00
- Stampin’ Dimensionals #104430 $4.00
- Rose Wonder #140697 $27.00
- A Dozen Thoughts #131059 $19.00
- Balloon Celebration Bundle #140810 $37.25
- Paper Snips #103579 $10.00
- Stampin’ Scrub #126200 $17.00
- Stampin’ Mist Stamp Cleaner #102394 $4.50
- Clear Block D #118485 $8.50
Indulge in the art of paper crafting and SAVE $$$! The Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit is a paper crafting hobbyist’s dream come true! Here’s why you shouldn’t let this opportunity go by without taking advantage today:
YOU CHOOSE: Up to $125 ($155 during Sale-A-Bration) worth of products (any current catalog, clearance, specially priced bundles–if we sell it, you can order it) for your kit.
FREE SHIPPING: The kit ships to you FREE – another 10% savings.
EVERYDAY DISCOUNT: After your Starter Kit order, you receive a minimum of a 20% discount on anything you purchase! Receive FREE catalogs and an opportunity to preview and purchase new products before the general public (one of my favorite things).
Being creative and sharing it with others are just a few of the benefits of being a Stampin’ Up Hobby Stamper. Plus, there’s no risk – no obligation to purchase or sell and no requirement to host workshops or parties! I do promise that you will love the Stampin’ Pretty Pals community and will learn more about this wonderful hobby than you would on your own. Our exclusive chat groups offer stamping ideas, inspiration and fun. They are virtual (and 24/7) so you’ll never miss out and can join in on YOUR schedule!
Ready to shop? I offer prompt customer service when you shop with me. AND you can earn FREE stamps with my Secret Stamper Rewards Program. Learn more HERE. And don’t forget to look at the new Weekly Deals! Just click my Shop button to go straight to my 24/7 Online Store. Looking for any retired stamps or Stampin’ Up! Stamps or products. Go HERE to see what I have available! If you don’t see what you are looking for, just email me and I will check if I have it or will try to find someone who is willing to sell to you.
If you’re ready to purchase the Ultimate Bunde, go HERE. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Debbie@SecretStamper.com any time. Thanks for coming to my blog today! Until next time,